Eating After Sport: Tips and Recipes

eating after sport XbyX Midlife menopause women workouts nutrition diet fitness

Fun should always come first when doing sport. But training successfully is also important to us when we lift, run and sweat - and this is where nutrition comes into play. What ends up on your plate after training is crucial for regeneration, muscle growth and well-being. Here, we reveal what your perfect post-workout meal should be.

Table of contents

Every body is unique and individual, and that's part of what makes us so fantastic! It also means that the appropriate amount of calories varies depending on personal energy requirements, as well as the intensity and duration of training and the type of sport we do. There are therefore no general recommendations on quantities or calories for eating after exercise.

But there are some good guidelines on the "what" to eat after exercise. What nutrients? What recipes? What ways to implement them in everyday life? We have compiled all of this for you into a list of simple rules and recipes to give zou the perfect training results.

6 rules for the perfect post-workout meal


As with losing weight, the same applies to post-workout nutrition: less is not necessarily more. If you do sport, whether it's weight training, yoga, jogging or something else, you also need to eat properly.

If we deprive the body of energy for regeneration, we put it in a catabolic state. This delays regeneration, slows down the metabolism and increases fat storage. The body virtually fears that it is in a state of starvation.

It then lacks valuable minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and proteins - in other words, everything the body needs to regenerate and build valuable, fat-burning muscles. So please, eat something after sport!


It comes as no great surprise to most people: proteins are particularly important after training. This is because they, or rather the amino acids they contain, repair muscle cell damage, thereby building up muscles and controling enzymes and hormones.

During training, the proteins in the muscles are broken down. How much depends, of course, on the type of sport and the intensity of the training. Only if we reload after training can the body recover from the strain and build up new muscle tissue. If we don't do this, we run the risk of the body even breaking down its own muscle tissue in order to regain strength. In the worst case scenario, training can even be counterproductive.

What you need: at least 1.0 to 1.2 grams of protein per kilogramme of body weight. If you do a lot of sport, both endurance and weight training, 1.2 to 1.6 grams per kilogramme of body weight is recommended. Focus on plant-based proteins. These include soya, pulses, edamame and nuts.

Hardly any other protein shake is as tasty and varied as XbyX Energy. It combines five plant-based proteins, healthy fibre, antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Treat your body to this extra portion of nutrient diversity every day!
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Carbohydrates are still demonised by many women, so the nearest they get to them after sport is a protein shake. But beware: we do need a few carbohydrates, especially after training.

During training, the muscles draw energy from their glycogen stores. These are carbohydrates that are stored in the body to provide us with energy quickly when we are in action. Accordingly, these stores are naturally empty after an intensive workout.

After exercise, the body begins to replenish these glycogen stores. As a "remnant" from primeval times, this process has top priority. This is because we can only flee from a sabre-toothed tiger and think clearly when we have full energy stores. If you deny your body a supply of carbohydrates after exercise (or starve yourself completely), you activate processes in which the body produces new glucose itself. This is great for survival, but bad for regeneration and muscle building. If there is a lack of glucose as an energy source, the body gets the necessary "material" from the muscles in the worst case. This in turn means muscle breakdown - the opposite of what you want to achieve with your training.

What you need: complex, high-fibre carbohydrates such as potatoes and sweet potatoes. Brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa or wholemeal bread are also suitable. The amount depends on the intensity of your training.


Fats tend to play a subordinate role after training, but are nevertheless important. Some sportswomen avoid fatty foods because they fear that this slows down digestion and slows down the absorption of nutrients. This is only partly true: although fat slows down the absorption of food after exercise, it does not reduce the effect of the nutrients.

So don't be afraid of fats after exercise, just make sure you eat the right ones and in moderation.

What you need: a small portion of unsaturated fatty acids. This could be half an avocado, a handful of nuts or almonds, a dash of olive oil in a vegetable stir-fry or a spoonful of XbyX Everything Omega in your muesli.

Help yourself avoid tiredness and fatigue
When working out consistently, it's easier to feel languid in your body and groggy in your mind. XbyX Think Clearly contains b-vitamins to help fight against tiredness and fatigue, whilst also supporting cognitive performance, focus and concentration, which can all help keep you going.
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Especially when we have a busy diary, we often reach for ready meals and fast-food. This is entirely understandable, but counterproductive. Because this food contains lots of empty calories without nutrients. But it is precisely these nutrients that the body needs now in order to regenerate optimally. So take at least a few minutes to look after yourself: You can always make a quick muesli from oatmeal, yoghurt and blueberries. Tip: you can even drink it as a smoothie on the way to your next meeting.

You don't need special "sports nutrition" such as high-calorie drinks or bars. Unless you are training for triathlon competitions, ultra-marathons or other extreme distances. A "normal" protein bar without lots of additives is of course ok.

What you do NOT need: chocolate bars, bakery bites, frozen pizza, soft drinks, sports nutrition for extreme athletes.


Water is not only important during training. The same applies after training: drink more water! Your muscle tissue is made up of around 80 per cent water. Even the smallest changes in your water balance can therefore affect your training performance and recovery. Water ensures that nutrients are transported to where they are needed and waste products are flushed out of the body. It is therefore essential to compensate for imbalances, including in nutrients. Sodium, potassium and magnesium are particularly important in this instance.

Top athletes rely on isotonic drinks for this. However, in addition to carbohydrates and minerals, these iso-drinks also contain a lot of sugar. They are therefore not suitable for amateur athletes.

What you need: the body loses up to one and a half litres of fluid per hour through sweat. Depending on the intensity of your training and the environmental conditions, you should therefore make sure you top up properly. See if you have enough water, and, if not, a pinch of salt and a small(!) shot of juice can help. 

Nutrition after exercise: how it works

You should have your first small fitness snack immediately, or up to 30 minutes, after your workout. Two hours later at the latest, however, it's time for the right post-workout meal. This consists of proteins, carbohydrates, lots of vegetables and a little healthy fat. If your workout is in the evening, eat something light around 45 minutes before your workout and a balanced snack afterwards. Even if it's late, a snack before bed is important.

Favourite 'after-sport' recipes


The morning's sport is done, now it's time to top up your energy stores for the day. Depending on your mood and flavour preference, the best options are muesli, porridge, smoothies and smoothie bowls.

Magnesium Power Muesli

Oats, almonds and XbyX Daily Energy: all contain the wonderful mineral magnesium. There's no better way to start a power day!

Protein chocolate-cinnamon magic

A simple protein superfood shake is perfect for smaller appetites. You will need:

  • 2 level tablespoons of XbyX Daily Energy
  • 300ml unsweetened soya or oat drink
  • 1 level tsp raw cocoa
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon

If you prefer a caffeine kick instead of cocoa, add an espresso instead of raw cocoa and cinnamon.


Muscle building and regeneration should also be promoted during the day or in the early evening, but without putting unnecessary strain on the body.

Vegetable pan with feta and seeds

  1. Prepare beluga lentils (50g) and quinoa (50g) according to the packet instructions (soak/cook).
  2. Finely chop the onions, sauté in a pan with a tablespoon of olive oil, add the finely chopped vegetables (red pepper, broccoli, courgette, mushrooms, frozen peas, carrots or whatever your heart desires, in total about 250g or, more simply, half the plate) and sauté everything while stirring.
  3. Season to taste: salt, pepper, paprika, chilli - if you like it spicy, add ginger powder.
  4. Once the vegetables are cooked, add half a handful of pumpkin seeds and a small handful of crumbled feta cheese. Stir in briefly until the feta melts slightly.
  5. Add the pre-cooked beluga lentils and quinoa (only heat briefly, as both are pre-cooked). Garnish with frozen or fresh parsley if desired and enjoy.

Vegan alternative: tempeh (fermented beans made from black beans), soya or lupin. Simply cut into small cubes and add instead of feta cheese.

Mung bean pancakes with salad

Sweet and subtly nutty, mung beans are a great source of protein and fibre. Our recipe for mung bean pancakes comes with a refreshing spinach, kohlrabi and apple salad on the side. Mung beans are very easy to prepare and easy to digest. You can also prepare them in a salad or pureed as a soup.


If you exercise late in the evening, you should only eat something light afterwards. This ensures that you have a break of around 2 hours between meals for a restful sleep.

XbyX Shake Muscle Power

  • 3 tbsp XbyX Energy
  • 200ml plant milk without sugar (soya or oats)
  • 2 tbsp natural yoghurt
  • 50ml of dark direct juice (sour cherry, blueberry, chokeberry or blackcurrant)
  • 1 portion of XbyX Lass Locker Magnesium

Pour everything into a shaker. First the liquid, then the powder and mix well.

Cottage cheese snack: sweet or savoury

Cottage cheese is absolutely ideal! Protein is our muscle-building macronutrient. As we head off to sleep, they can help the body repair our cells and curb our appetite at the same time. You can vary the flavour of the cottage cheese with herbs, spices, horseradish, finely chopped vegetables or tomato puree, among other things.

Or for the "sweet tooth": ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of raw cocoa, grated apple - the possibilities are endless.

Pro protein but anti artificial sweeteners?
Then the XbyX Daily Energy Plain is perfect for you! Containing 53% protein at only 90kcal per serving, this superfood shake packs a powerful protein punch without any added sugars or artificial sweeteners.
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